
Jia Hor Nutri-Health Tablets - Your Mighty Wellness Tablets

Natural constituents: 50% Ganoderma (Lingzhi) + 50% Pollen


  • Jia Hor Nutri-Health Tablets offers a combination of the invaluable health-enhancing active components of Ganoderma (Lingzhi) and the full spectrum of Pollen's all-encompassing nutrients. While Ganoderma is known for its capability to promote metabolic activities, fortify the immune defence, and consolidate the physical constitutions, Pollen provides the human body with a balanced mix of nutrients to facilitate normal physiological functions.
  • Featuring smoothly curved triangular shape, the tablets are so designed to make them convenient to be carried around, safe and hygienic, much easier to swallow, and hence are ideal for the young and old alike. Each of the tablets is coated with a special plant-base layer that will readily dissolve upon entering the gastrointestinal system. It also effectively masks the bitter taste of the highly concentrated pure Ganoderma content.
Jia Hor Nutri-Health Tablets - Your Mighty Wellness Tablets at $43
60 tablets / box
To order, click here:

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